Friday, September 12, 2008

Digital Media at Salisbury U of Maryland

Salisbury U. Hopes to Entice Students to Use Digital Media Regularly

This week Salisbury University unveiled its Center for Integrated Media — a project, six years in the making, that aims to give students from every department on campus an opportunity to mesh audio and video with their daily homework assignments.

Located within the 165,000 square-foot Teacher Education and Technology Center, the facility boasts a 3,000 square-foot, high-definition video-recording studio, 15 video-editing suites, five audio-editing suites, and digital camcorders available for rent at no cost. For 16 hours a day, the facility is open to all students and faculty — mediocre garage bands included, as Jerome Waldron, chief information officer for University Technology Services, points out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Managing Email - tips from Middle School

Aside from posting interesting things here to lessen the email in our in box, my son's middle school teachers were all on message to set expectations for parents.

  • They all indicated that they would return email within 48 hours, not immediately
  • They all indicated that they were unable to access email for significant portions of the day
  • They referred parents to the website which manages reporting of the students' assignments, grades, and tests
Maybe we could look at a time frame, at least individually, that we find realistic and comfortable and communicate that somehow. Maybe it could go on our signature, or an auto-message, or even when we see people in person.

Seven exceptions to job search rules

A great piece (and this photo) from Career Builder on the CNN web site, they say:
  • Like all rules, exceptions exist to the rigid rules of the job search
  • Break the rules any time it can help you stand out, experts say
  • For more than 5 years experience, a one-page resume may not be enough
  • Negatives about your last job are ok if it helps explain why you left
The plumb is #7. Read the story to see when you can have typos in the resume.