Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Global Recession Is Not All Bad News for International Educators

Worldwide, economies are grinding to a halt. Property values are plummeting. And stock markets are in the tank. Bad news, you might think, for American colleges searching abroad for students.

Not necessarily. At a meeting Tuesday of senior international-education administrators, several participants said that the declining world economy, combined with ever-increasing demand for higher education, may actually lead to international-enrollment increases at American colleges. And anecdotally, at least, several universities reported that applications are up for the fall.

Full Story Here

(This is the conference for which I helped find volunteers last year when it took place in Washington.--John)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Recycle Responsibly with

Get Cash For Your Gadgets at!

Not only does this seem to be a way for us to be green, at home and inthe AUCC, but maybe we could even raise money by partnering with them. Here's what they say they do . . .

Gazelle wants to change the world – one cell phone, one laptop, one iPod at a time.

It is our purpose – and our promise – to provide a practical, rewarding way for people to finally rid themselves of all those old cell phones, digital cameras, and gaming systems that they no longer use, but can’t seem to find a way to let go of.

Too often when people think of recycling, they rush straight to smashing things into bits for parts. We believe that reuse should always come first. If your GPS unit still works, why not keep it in circulation AND get paid for it? If reusing isn’t in the cards, then let us recycle that vintage camcorder. We think of it as ReCommerce.

Yeah, we’re green.Green for you with dollars in your pocket. Green for the environment with fewer electronics being trashed.

It’s good to Gazelle. That’s our promise.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Volunteer your way into a new job

The current recession has turned almost all of us into career counselors for our family, friends, and even the person sitting next to us on the train as we go to work.

...volunteering some of your time to a favorite non-profit or even a small business is a great way to find a new job.

Full Story Here

Naomi Baron: Her Media Mentions

We are so fortunate to have Dr. Baron join our advisor meeting on 4/16. We're already emailing back and forth some of the coverage she's received in the media. Here's a selection . . .

  1. The Washington Post: 6,473 Texts a Month, But at What Cost?
  2. Joint Winner of the 2008 Duke of Edinburgh ESU English Language Book Award
  3. Science Daily: Being 'Always On' Impacts Personal Relationships More Than It Impacts The Written Language
  4. Los Angeles Times: Killing the written word by snippets
  5. The Seattle Times: OMG! Teens' lives being taken over by texting
  6. WUSA9: STD E-Cards Provide Anonymity