Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kollection 1: Musings from the past week or so

We get a lot of email, some needing urgent responses and others are interesting tidbits. Would is be helpful to post our tidbits here? It could keep our mailboxes a little less red, and we could organize our kollective wisdom!

Nancy offered this piece from The Chronicle of Higher Education, "When Politicians Come Calling" which looks at how their visits might be managed if you know their motives.

Though only dimly work related, Chris Swanson refers us to Yale's efforts at going green, and "Creatives grow better in the South West" below.

Our colleague, Heather Ball, forwarded this Chronicle article to the Internship team on "Subsidizing the Internship".

John Charles caught Naomi Baron on WAMU speaking about how new media affects students abilities to write.

And yours truly found a great Politico piece that demonstrates the importance of networking, Hill Job Seekers Must be on the List.

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