Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Using Adobe Captivate for Online Tutorials

Very cool but looks fairly labor intensive. Educational software license is $150. Here's the session in PDF.

So, imagine loading up your PPTs, but then they can become webpages with rollover photos that if they click on them, take students to a new part of the presentation. You can include question slides anytime (great pedagogical tool for review) and at the end (great for learning assessment.) They are interactive and can give students instant feedback and a score at the end. Questions can be T/F, multiple choice, fill in the black (with key text), or matching (drag and drop). So, have your PPT presentation, digitally record it when you deliver it live, then edit the audio to go with the slides. (Got that, Rob?) Then upload the project to your server and give the URL to your students. Hmm, use this for alumni crash course this summer? We get a 30 day free trial! If it isn't embedded in Blackboard, then students have to email after taking a test, but that's hinky. GT will add ConnectServer next year as an option to putting it in BB.

The branching idea is very cool, very self-directed. So, you have photos or buttons on dressing for interviews, networking, using AUCW, and a student clicks on one and is sent in a distinct direction. You can sort of do that with hyperlinks in PPT, but this way, the branches are all in one place in a contained way. (Does that make sense?)

There are tutorials on YouTube.

Students can use these for review after classes, not just as tutorials. Captivate is like PPT, but can be interactive and have assessments, too. You are creating a Flash movie when you're done with your Captivate project (so the audience needs Flash player). Video files have to be converted to .flv for uploading. There are free programs for Flash video encoders/converters, like Riva.

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